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National Team

At the end of each calendar year, MPA applies for funding through SportMalta to send athletes to European and International events, namely but not limited to: 

  • Worlds Classic Open Championship
  • Worlds Classic Sub-Juniors and Juniors Championship 
  • European Classic Open Championship
  • European Classic Sub-Juniors and Juniors Championship
  • Western European Championship
  • European Classic Masters Championship

MPA has 3 main National Teams:

  • Sub-Juniors and Juniors Team
  • Open Team
  • Masters Team

In order to qualify for one of the teams:

  • One must take part in at least 2 local competitions
  • Have enough qualifying points in the last 12 months
Qualifying Points Per Category
Category Female Male
Sub Juniors 65 IPF GL Points 75 IPF GL Points
Juniors 70 IPF GL Points 80 IPF GL Points
Open 75 IPF GL Points 85 IPF GL Points
Masters 1 75 IPF GL Points 85 IPF GL Points

Furthermore, the athlete:

  • Must volunteer at least in one event yearly during a local competition
  • Must hold a valid MPA membership
  • Can not attend an international event in a different weight class than the one where the nominated total is held 
  • Must adhere to the Code of Conduct of the MPA
  • Respect and follow the Anti-Doping Policy

The above criteria are at the discretion of the committee and can be changed when deemed fit. Any change will be notified during an AGM or EGM.