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The Sport of Powerlifting

At its core, powerlifting is a competitive strength sport that consists of three main lifts: the squat, bench press, and deadlift. Athletes strive to lift as much weight as possible in each of these three lifts within specific rules and guidelines set by governing bodies like the International Powerlifting Federation.

The squat tests lower body strength, as athletes aim to lift a loaded barbell from a squatting position to a fully upright stance. The bench press assesses upper body strength, requiring competitors to lower a barbell to their chest and then press it upwards until their arms are fully extended. Lastly, the deadlift measures overall body strength, with lifters lifting a loaded barbell from the ground to a standing position.

Beyond raw strength, powerlifting demands technique, mental focus, and strategic planning. Lifters train rigorously to improve their strength, perfect their form, and peak for competitions. Each lift is executed with precision, as athletes navigate through various phases of the lift, from setup to execution.

But powerlifting isn’t just about personal records and competition; it’s also a supportive community where lifters encourage and inspire each other to reach new heights. Whether you’re a seasoned competitor or just starting your strength journey, our website is here to provide resources, training tips, and a platform to connect with fellow powerlifters.

Weight Categories
Women Men
47kg Class up to 47.0 kg 59kg Class up to 59.0 kg
52kg Class from 47.01 kg up to 52.0 kg 66kg Class from 59.01 kg up to 66.0 kg
57kg Class from 52.01 kg up to 57.0 kg 74kg Class from 66.01 kg up to 74.0 kg
63kg Class from 57.01 kg up to 63.0 kg 83kg Class from 74.01 kg up to 83.0 kg
69kg Class from 63.01 kg up to 69.0 kg 93kg Class from 83.01 kg up to 93.0 kg
76kg Class from 69.01 kg up to 76.0 kg 105kg Class from 93.01 kg up to 105.0 kg
84kg Class from 76.01 kg up to 84.0 kg 120kg Class from 105.01 kg up to 120.0 kg
84+kg Class from 84.01 kg up 120+kg Class from 120.01 kg up
Age Categories

Sub-Junior – From the day you reach 14 years and throughout the full calendar year in which you reach 18 years
Junior – From the 1st January of the calendar year, you reach 19 years and throughout the full calendar year in which you reach 23 years
Open – From the 1st January of the calendar year, you reach 19 years and upwards
Master I – From the 1st January of the calendar year, you reach 40 years and throughout the full calendar year in which you reach 49 years
Master II – From the 1st January of the calendar year, you reach 50 years and throughout the full calendar year in which you reach 59 years
Master III – From the 1st January of the calendar year, you reach 60 years and throughout the full calendar year in which you reach 69 years
Master IV – From the 1st January of the calendar year, you reach 70 years and upwards